Providing Excellent Candidates


Starting Small Business

Friendly SUPPORT

Experienced Consultants

Welcome to SSK Fingerprints Recognition

Welcome to the cutting-edge world of fingerprint recognition, where technology meets security in the most intricate and reliable manner. At our company, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of the fingerprint recognition industry, offering innovative and state-of-the-art solutions that redefine the way we verify identy and retrieve background check data. With a deep understanding of the significance of unique biometric identifiers, we work with a range of data providers and software that harness the power of fingerprints, enabling foolproof identification verification. Discover how our company can improve security protocols at your establishment with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.

Qualifications Verification

 Identity Document Verification

 Criminal Background Checks

 Financial  Background Check

Comprehensive solutions for your business

Use fingerprint verification to cross check job applicants for criminal background

Improve our workforce with qualification verifications

SSK Fingerprints can help uncover employees with fake qualifications